Research papers
1 indicates joint first authors.
2 indicates primary contribution and alphabetical author order.
- Finding Groups of Cross-Correlated Features in Multi-View data (2023). Dewaskar M, Palowitch J, He M, Love M.I., Nobel A.B. Journal of Machine Learning Research, VOL. 24. Code
- Near Equilibrium Fluctuations for Supermarket Models with Growing Choices (2022). Bhamidi S, Budhiraja A, and Dewaskar M2. Annals of Applied Probability, VOL. 32 (NO. 3), 2083-2138.
- NExG: Provable and Guided State Space Exploration of Neural Network Control Systems using Sensitivity Approximation (2022) Goyal M, Dewaskar M, Duggirala PS. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2022, doi: 10.1109/TCAD.2022.3197524.
- Controlling a population (2019). Bertrand N, Dewaskar M2, Genest B2, Gimbert H, and Godbole A. Logical Methods in Computer Science, Vol. 15, Issue 3.
- Controlling a population (2017). Bertrand N, Dewaskar M2, Genest B2, Gimbert H. 28th International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR 2017).
- Robustifying likelihoods by optimistically re-weighting data. Dewaskar M1, Tosh C\(^1\), Knoblauch J, Dunson D.B. Code
- Bayesian Level-set Clustering. Buch D\(^1\), Dewaskar M1, Dunson D.B. Code